About the Competition


Participation Stages

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Who can participate?
    Students from grades 7-12 from any schools, cities, and countries can participate in a team of no more than 3 people!
  • How many teams will make it to the final?
    The top 40 teams from the qualifying round will advance to the final.
  • What is the ICPC format?
    Each team gets one computer and 8 to 13 problems to solve in 5 hours. The winning team is the one with the most correctly solved problems and the least penalty time for each problem and unsuccessful attempts. Last year's problems can be found here.
  • Who creates the problems?
    The problems for the tournament are created by participants and winners of the most prestigious international and republican Olympiads, such as IOI, IMC, VK Cup, APIO, IZhO, ICPC World Finals, NEF, VKOSHP, Eurasian Informatics Olympiad, and ROI.
  • How will the selection process be conducted?
    The qualifying round of the Olympiad will be held online with a proctoring system. This means that teammates can communicate through Discord, Skype, Teamspeak (and others), but cannot communicate with participants from other teams. Each participant will need to provide access to their microphone and screen in the proctoring system to check academic integrity.
Tournament Partners
Partner M&C
Partner Yandex
Partner MyExtra
Partner Fizmat
Partner Beyond Curriculum
Partner MARWIN